In many churches, the message of justification- how to get right with God- is preached over and over again. But much less is said about sanctification- how to live after you're converted.
Nancy PearceyA part is always too limited to explain the whole. You might picture a worldview as trying to stuff the entire universe into a box. Invariably, something will stick out of the box. Its categories are too "small" to explain the world.
Nancy PearceyThe more we learn about life, the less plausible is any evolutionary theory that relies on blind, undirected, piece-by-piece change.
Nancy PearceyModern secular thought has its own dualism: It treats only the physical world as knowable and testable, while locking everything else - mind, spirit, morality, meaning - into the realm of private, subjective feelings. The so-called fact/value split.
Nancy Pearcey