In high school, I came to realize I had a second-hand faith, derived from my parents and family background. I had no actual reasons for believing it.
Nancy PearceyBeginning under the Roman Empire, intellectual leadership in the West had been provided by Christianity. In the middle ages, who invented the first universities - in Paris, Oxford, Cambridge? The church.
Nancy PearceyThe first step in conforming our intellect to God's truth is to die to our vanity, pride, and craving for respect from colleagues and the public. We must let go of the worldly motivations that drive us, praying to be motivated solely by a genuine desire to submit our minds to God's Word - and then to use that knowledge in service to others.
Nancy PearceyCan reason be an idol? Certainly. The philosophy of rationalism puts human reason in the place of God as the source and standard of all truth.
Nancy Pearcey