Today, women have access to the technological capacity to do anything to our bodies in the struggle for "beauty", but we have yet to evolve a mentality beyond the old rules, to let them imagine that this combat among women is not inevitable. Surgeons can now do anything. We have not yet reached the age in which we can defend ourselves with an unwillingness to have "anything" done. This is a dangerous time. New possibilities for women quickly become new obligations.
Naomi WolfIt has been said that each generation must win its own struggle to be free. -Robert F. Kennedy
Naomi WolfAging in women is 'unbeautiful' since women grow more powerful with time, and since the links between generations of women must always be broken.
Naomi WolfIt is fairly well-known what has been behind that climate change denial in America: vast sums pumped into an ignorance industry by the oil and gas lobbies.
Naomi WolfCitizens who live or work near protest sites or marches have every right to be free of violence from protesters, and they should never be subjected to destruction of property.
Naomi Wolf