When you are able to maintain your own highest standards of integrity - regardless of what others may do - you are destined for greatness.
Napoleon HillWhen you have talked yourself into what you want, right there is the place to stop talking and begin saying it with deeds.
Napoleon HillIf your imagination leads you to understand how quickly people grant your requests when those requests appeal to their self- interest, you can have practically anything you go after.
Napoleon HillThe development of self-confidence starts with the elimination of this demon called fear.
Napoleon HillThe most common cause of fear of old age is associated with the possibility of poverty.
Napoleon HillFrom Christ on down to Edison, the men who have achieved most have been those who met with the most stubborn forms of temporary defeat. This would seem to justify the conclusion that Infinite Intelligence has a plan, or a law, by which it hurdles men over many obstacles before giving them the privilege of leadership or the opportunity to render useful service in a noteworthy fashion.
Napoleon Hill