I believe that solution to all problems is in development. Development is also the solution to the tension that people talk about.
Narendra ModiNow it's time for India to steer ourselves, ride the waves and decide on our direction, destination and speed.
Narendra ModiThere are many similarities between India and America. If you look at the last few centuries, two things come to light. America has absorbed people from around the world and there is an Indian in every part of the world. This characterizes both the societies. Indians and Americans have coexistence in their natural temperament. India and the United States of America are bound together, by history and by culture. These ties will deepen further.
Narendra ModiLakhs of families in the country are deprived of energy connectivity. Fruits of development will not reach the common man until energy connectivity reaches every last household of the country. In the age of globalization, we have no option but to make a quantum leap in energy production and connectivity.
Narendra Modi