I am a very optimistic man and only an optimistic man can bring optimism in the country.
Narendra ModiAbout 800 million people in India are below the age of 35 years. Their aspirations, energy, enterprise and skills will be the force for India's economic transformation.
Narendra ModiBe it caste or communal violence, they stall the growth of the nation. Let us affirm that we will be free from these tensions.
Narendra ModiI dream of a Digital India where quality healthcare percolates right up to the remotest regions powered by e-Healthcare.
Narendra ModiThe corridors of power in Delhi were littered with lobbies of various kinds. The task of cleaning the corridors of power (or cleaning the lobby of lobbies) was important so that the government machinery itself is improved. This process of correction and cleaning took quite some time but it will provide long-term benefits in the form of clean and fair governance.
Narendra Modi