A precious place is Paradise and none may know its worth, But Eden ever longeth for the knicknacks of the earth. The angels grow quite wistful over worldly things below; They hear the hurdy-gurdies in the Candle Makers Row. They listen for the laughter from the antics of the earth; They lower pails from heaven's walls to catch the milk-maids mirth.
Nathalia CraneI linger on the flathouse roof, the moonlight is divine. But my heart is all aflutter like the washing on the line.
Nathalia CraneThe sun shall shine in ages yet to be, The musing moon illumine pastures dim, And afterwards a new nativity For all who slept the dreamless interim.
Nathalia CraneAcross the downs a hummingbird Came dipping through the bowers, He pivoted on emptiness To scrutinize the flowers.
Nathalia Crane