I have realised that my worst day as an artist is still better than my best day as a lawyer.
Nathan SawayaOver the years I have learned that creating art has made me happy. I used to be a lawyer and I'm much happier being an artist.
Nathan SawayaWhen people go to museums and see a sculpture made out of marble, they appreciate it but it's very doubtful that they will go home and have a slab of marble they can chip away at, but people do have LEGO. I don't have any LEGO specially made for me, all of the shapes, sizes and colours I use are available in stores so that if someone is inspired to create on their own, they can go and buy the very same bricks.
Nathan SawayaLEGO is universal. So many people enjoy it, from all different walks of life, all different ages, all different cultures. When I was in Africa, I had LEGO bricks with me and I met some people who had never heard of LEGO, they had never seen it before and yet as soon as I gave them a few bricks, they immediately got it.
Nathan Sawaya