The moment when a man's head drops off is seldom or never, I am inclined to think, precisely the most agreeable of his life.
Nathaniel HawthorneIt will startle you to see what slaves we are to by-gone times-to Death, if we give the matter the right word! ... We read in Dead Men's books! We laugh at Dead Men's jokes, and cry at Dead Men's pathos! . . . Whatever we seek to do, of our own free motion, a Dead Man's icy hand obstructs us!
Nathaniel HawthorneArticulate words are a harsh clamor and dissonance. When man arrives at his highest perfection, he will again be dumb.
Nathaniel HawthorneWhat a happy and holy fashion it is that those who love one another should rest on the same pillow.
Nathaniel Hawthorne