We shall go wild with fireworks...And they will plunge into the sky and shatter the darkness. We don't have any fireworks that big
Natsuki TakayaAs a child, because manga was always around and I was reading it, I naturally thought, "Hey, I'd like to draw manga - I'd like to be a manga author!"
Natsuki TakayaIt's lonely to say goodbye. Very lonely. Please. Cry with me. Maybe there's nothing we can do about this. But at least, for now...cry with me. Like your entire body...is screaming at the sky. Like it's raging against the world. I lost something. And I don't have a single guarantee. The fear of living in this world again after that...I have only a shred of hope to sustain me. So I want you at least...to cry. Cry. Cry with me. Like the day you were first born into this world.
Natsuki TakayaHuman beings are strange creatures. As people come across one another they produce various outcomes. Good things, sometimes. And other times, bad.
Natsuki TakayaShigure: JUST LISTEN TO ME FOR A SECOND, KYO! Kyo: SHUT UP! I HATE THIS! DO YOU REALLY GET THAT MUCH ENJOYMENT FROM PLAYING WITH PEOPLES' LIVES?! Shigure: Well, yes, now that you mention it, I do--BUT THIS IS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD! Kyo: Man, your persuasion skills SUCK! Tohru: Um, welcome home. Dinner's- Kyo: NOT HUNGRY! Shigure: KYO! DON'T TAKE THIS OUT ON TOHRU! And come back to the entrance hall this instant and take those shoes off! Yuki: He's right, Shigure. You really do suck at persuasion.
Natsuki Takaya