He only wishes there were something that would heal the scars in his mind, which he can still feel. He sees his mind now as an archipelago of islands that he labors to build bridges between - and while he's had great success engineering the most spectacular of bridges, he suspects there are some islands that he'll never reach.
Neal ShustermanYour hair looks funny," Lief said, as soon as the Ugloids left. "It stands straight up!" No," said Nick, intensely irritated, "It's hanging straight down." Lief just gave him an upside-down shrug. "Up is down in China and you're part-Chinese.
Neal Shusterman...if more people had been organ donors, unwinding never would have happened...but people like to keep what's theirs, even after they're dead.
Neal ShustermanMy grandmother used to say that twisting paths always cross again," he told her. "And whose paths are more twisted than ours?
Neal ShustermanI came running down the stairs that morning, like it was Christmas. My parents were already up. In my family, presents never waited; they were there upon waking. Our family has a problem with what they called delayed gratification. We want what we want when we want it, and we always want it now.
Neal Shusterman