In the room where I work, I have a chalkboard, and as I'm going along, I write the made-up words on it. A few feet from that chalkboard is a copy of the full 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary, to which I refer frequently as a source of ideas and word roots.
Neal StephensonIt was, of course, nothing more than sexism, the especially virulent type espoused by male techies who sincerely believe that they are too smart to be sexists.
Neal StephensonCrappy old OSes have value in the basically negative sense that changing to new ones makes us wish we'd never been born.
Neal StephensonThe only thing that can effect a big change in personality is something that physically rewires the brain and/or alters the body's chemical milieu.
Neal StephensonHe had some measure of the infuriating trait that causes a young man to be a nonconformist for its own sake and found that the surest way to shock most people, in those days, was to believe that some kinds of behavior were bad and others good, and that it was reasonable to live one's life accordingly.
Neal Stephenson