You think of yourselves as humans searching for a spiritual awakening, when in fact you are spiritual beings attempting to cope with a human awakening. Seeing yourselves from the perspective of the spirit within will help you to remember why you came here and what you came here to do.
Neale Donald WalschWhen you find that your life is out of alignment with your grandest idea of yourself, seek to change it.
Neale Donald WalschThe way to reduce the pain which you associate with earthly experiences and events-both yours and those of others-is to change the way you behold them.
Neale Donald WalschThe soul is forever being. It is being what it is being, regardless of what the body is doing, not because of what it's doing. If you think your life is about doingness, you do not understand what you are about.
Neale Donald WalschThis is the problem with the way you educate your children. You don't want your young ones drawing their own conclusions. You want them to come to the same conclusions that you came to. Thus you doom them to repeat the mistakes to which your own conclusions led you.
Neale Donald Walsch