You'll find individuals agreeing on this, but when they get into collective societies and larger groups they find it difficult to achieve group agreement.
Neale Donald WalschLying about things large and small has become so accepted by so many that they even lie about lying.
Neale Donald WalschWhat you get to choose today is who you are and what you wish to experience in your life. Remember, not to decide is to decide.
Neale Donald WalschThe act of resisting something is the act of granting it life... the more you resist, the more you make it real - whatever it is you are resisting.
Neale Donald WalschTherefore, be honest with yourself as to why you are choosing to do a particular thing. Then, do it gladly, knowing that you are always getting to do what you want. The statement "I have no choice" is a lie. You can choose. You simply do not prefer the alternatives available to you, for whatever reason. So you select the outcome that you most prefer.
Neale Donald Walsch