Others see their possibility in the reality of you. Your message is your life lived.
Neale Donald WalschThe result of your not listening to your experience is that you keep re-living it, over and over again.
Neale Donald WalschIf I had used the term "guardian angels" or spoke of our "guides," a lot fewer eyebrows would raise. So it's just a matter of terminology here. The main idea is that we are always recipients of God's help, whether it is through other of God's beloved creatures, or directly from the Divine Itself.
Neale Donald WalschDo not jump into reaction mode at the first appearance of negative energy. Just breathe, and relax.
Neale Donald WalschThe day will come when you will review your life and be thankful for every minute of it. Every hurt, every sorrow, every joy, every celebration, every moment of your life will be a treasure to you, for you will see the utter perfection of the design. You will stand back from the weaving and see the tapestry, and you will weep at the beauty of it.
Neale Donald Walsch