I believe that humanity now is desperately calling for new ideas. These new ideas must come from spiritual teachers and artists, from poets and philosophers, from educators and ecologists, from postal clerks and miners and traffic cops and nurses and waiters and musicians and cooks and cleaners and from...Regular People Everywhere. That is to say, from YOU.
Neale Donald WalschYou can live a charmed life by causing others to live a charmed life. That is, be the source of 'charm' -- of charming moments and experiences -- in the life of another. Be everyone else's Lucky Charm! Make all who you touch today feel 'lucky' that you crossed their path. Do this for a week and watch things change. Do it for a month and you'll be a different person.
Neale Donald WalschAs you shift and change your own experience, the experience of the whole human race begins to shift and change as well. So this is important work you are doing, this business of changing your life.
Neale Donald WalschDoing is a function of the body. Being is a function of the soul. The body is always doing something. Every minute of every day it's up to something. It never stops, it never rests, it's constantly doing something.
Neale Donald Walsch