If you want guarantees in life, then you don't want life. You want rehearsals for a script that's already been written. Life by its nature cannot have guarantees, or its whole purpose is thwarted.
Neale Donald WalschIf I had used the term "guardian angels" or spoke of our "guides," a lot fewer eyebrows would raise. So it's just a matter of terminology here. The main idea is that we are always recipients of God's help, whether it is through other of God's beloved creatures, or directly from the Divine Itself.
Neale Donald WalschNone of the systems we have created are producing the outcomes that were intended. They're actually producing exactly the opposite.
Neale Donald WalschKnow and understand that there will be challenges and difficult times. Don't try to avoid them. Welcome them. Gratefully.
Neale Donald Walsch