When you love another for who they are, whether they give you what you need or not, then you truly love them.
Neale Donald WalschWhen you have an unconditional love of Life, then you love Life just the way it is showing up, right here, right now. This is only possible when you are "seeing the perfection."
Neale Donald Walsch... to find beauty in everyone you must see beauty in everyone, then announce that you see it, for in announcing it, you place it there in their reality.
Neale Donald WalschTherefore, be honest with yourself as to why you are choosing to do a particular thing. Then, do it gladly, knowing that you are always getting to do what you want. The statement "I have no choice" is a lie. You can choose. You simply do not prefer the alternatives available to you, for whatever reason. So you select the outcome that you most prefer.
Neale Donald Walsch