I began to hear what I was being taught about God, by the priest and my parish, and my exterior teaching did not coincide, did not match up, with my interior reality. And as they were teaching me about that God I was thinking: Who are they talking about? This was not how I experienced God. I gradually began to move away from the God of organized religion.
Neale Donald WalschWhatever you choose for yourself, give to another. If you choose to be happy, cause another to be happy. If you choose to be prosperous, cause another to prosper. If you choose more love in your life, cause another to have more love in theirs.
Neale Donald Walsch... think a thought you can accept. "My success is coming to me now," or "all things lead to my success."
Neale Donald WalschRemain grateful for every outcome. Every outcome. Gratitude is the connecting energy to God.
Neale Donald WalschA master blesses calamity, for the master knows that from the seeds of disaster (and all experience) comes the growth of self.
Neale Donald WalschWhat are you being? What are you choosing to be? Is it loving? Is it caring? Healing?You can be more of that no matter what you are doing. Yet, the magic of it is, the more of that your are BEING, the more what you are DOING will fall perfectly into place to allow you to "be" even more of that!Trust this process. It works.You will discover that forms - physical ways to "be" a thing - will suddenly start to just "show up".Beingness becomes form.
Neale Donald Walsch