I'm fascinated by the deaths of stars and the havoc they wreak on their environments.
Neil deGrasse TysonIt makes good sense to revere the sun and the stars ... because we are their children
Neil deGrasse TysonScience is a philosophy of discovery; intelligent design is a philosophy of ignorance... Something fundamamental is going on in people's minds when they confront things they don't understnd.
Neil deGrasse TysonIf you're scientifically literate, the world looks very different to you, and that understanding empowers you.
Neil deGrasse Tyson'Cause a musician, you can't tell me, "I've got this message I want share with the public," and it's three-and-a-half minutes long. That's not it. If your message is only three-and-a-half minutes long, then we got nothing else to talk about. Because life is more complex than three-and-a-half minutes.
Neil deGrasse Tyson