People think about life from day-to-day rather than thinking about life as something that invents a new kind of tomorrow.
Neil deGrasse TysonEssentially every scientist, when posed with the question, "If you want to get science knowledge from Mars, do you want to send a geologist or do you want to send a robot?" Well, the real answer is, you can send 100 robots for the price of sending one geologist, so let's send 100 robots to 100 different locations, and then we would all benefit. So that's the answer you would get. And I agree with that answer.
Neil deGrasse TysonArtificial selection turned the wolf into the shepherd, and the wild grasses into wheat and corn. In fact, almost every plant and animal that we eat today was bred from a wild, less edible ancestor. If artificial selection can work such profound changes in only ten or fifteen thousand years, what can natural selection do operating over billions of years? The answer is all the beauty and diversity of life.
Neil deGrasse TysonIf you want to assert a truth, first make sure it's not just an opinion that you desperately want to be true.
Neil deGrasse Tyson