How do you remain - steadfast and immovable during a trial of faith? You immerse yourself in the very thing that helped your core of faith: you exercise faith in Christ, you pray, you ponder the scriptures, you repent, you keep the commandments, and you serve others.
Neil L. AndersenAs you keep the commandments and pray in faith to see the Lord's hand in your life, I promise you that He will open your spiritual eyes even wider, and you will see more clearly that you are not alone.
Neil L. AndersenCounting the ways the Book of Mormon brings peace to the soul is like counting the sand on the seashore.
Neil L. AndersenAs we act in faith, we often find that the blessings from the Lord are different than we expected but much better than we imagined.
Neil L. AndersenMy young friends, ... not all the whirlwinds in life are of your own making. Some come because of the wrong choices of others, and some come just because this is mortality. You are His son or His daughter. He made your spirit strong and capable of being resilient to the whirlwinds of life. The whirlwinds in your youth, like the wind against a young tree, can increase your spiritual strength, preparing you for the years ahead.
Neil L. Andersen