If there was anything I'd learned, it's that the man never chooses the woman. All he can do is give her an opportunity to choose him.
Neil StraussMen are a hundred times worse than you can imagine. We are thinking the worst, shallowest thoughts, all the time.
Neil StraussAlcohol has never caused anyone to do something they didn't want to do. It only enables them to do what they've always wanted but have instead repressed.
Neil StraussThe good thing is that women have such high expectations of men that it inspires us to live up to them. That's what I learned about male-female relationships.
Neil StraussYou need to be careful with a Bluetooth headset. Because some guys look crazy with them.
Neil StraussWithout commitment, you cannot have depth in anything, whether it's a relationship, a business or a hobby.
Neil StraussI think my love is storytelling. No matter what it is, it's storytelling. And so whatever the medium is, what's right for the story, I enjoy doing it.
Neil StraussAlmost everyone who reaches a plateau where he or she is happy and comfortable says its because of finding balance between work, relaxation, exercise, socialising and family - plus some alone time to do something contemplative, creative, or educational.
Neil StraussOne of the things I'd learned ... was how to take a compliment. Just say, "Thank you." It's the only response a confident person can make.
Neil StraussBut who are we, really? Just a bundle of good genes and bad genes mixed with good habits and bad habits. And since there's no gene for coolness or confidence, then being uncool and unconfident are just bad habits, which can be changed with enough guidance and will power.
Neil StraussThere are certain bad habits we've groomed our whole life -- from personality flaws to fashion faux pas. And it has been the role of parents and friends, outside of some minor tweaking, to reinforce the belief that we're okay just as we are. But it's not enough to just be yourself. You have to be your best self. And that's a tall order if you haven't found your best self yet.
Neil StraussI think there are just a million interviews in anthologies with famous musicians that are about the music, and they're really boring to read.
Neil Strauss