The more you reaffirm who you are in Christ, the more your behavior will begin to reflect your true identity.
Neil T AndersonWe don't serve God to gain His acceptance; we are accepted so we serve God. We don't follow Him in order to be loved; we are loved so we follow Him.
Neil T AndersonWhen you resort to shouting in conflict, you are reacting in the flesh. You have lost control of the only person you can control: yourself.
Neil T AndersonThe inner change, justification, is effected at the moment of salvation. The outer change in the believer's daily walk, sanctification, continues throughout life. But the progressive work of sanctification is only fully effective when the radical, inner transformation of justification is realized and appropriated by faith.
Neil T AndersonDon't wait to forgive until you feel like forgiving; you will never get there. Feelings take time to heal after the choice to forgive is made.
Neil T AndersonThe worst thing you can do for your loved one caught in alcoholism or addiction is to help the person continue in the deception that he or she is OK. Your best course of action is to speak the truth in love (see Eph. 4:15) and don't allow him or her to escape the consequences of wrong behavior.
Neil T Anderson