Women are going to form a chain, a greater sisterhood than the world has ever known.
Nellie L. McClungBy nice women . . . you probably mean selfish women who have no more thought for the underprivileged, overworked women than a pussycat in a sunny window for the starving kitten in the street. Now in that sense I am not a nice woman, for I do care.
Nellie L. McClungChivalry is like a line of credit. You can get plenty of it when you do not need it.
Nellie L. McClungWe may yet live to see the day when women will be no longer news! And it cannot come too soon. I want to be a peaceful, happy, normal human being, pursuing my unimpeded way through life, never having to stop to explain, defend or apologize for my sex.
Nellie L. McClung