Since our online libraries are so extensive, we think we can make all the right decisions about our personal health and well-being by pushing buttons. It's not intuitive anymore. That's the internet. Before the net, we would have gone to the community or our families to see what we should do. We often feel more isolated on our own little islands because of it.
Nelly FurtadoI remember attaching a wire clothing hanger to the antenna of my radio in my bedroom, so I could get the frequency and get that station and listen to the top 10 every night.
Nelly FurtadoAll of the women in music business understand that. They're fighting in a misogynist world. That's why they wear some elements of their femininity and have to blend it in with masculinity... it's a kind of protection. Somebody like Madonna is strong but soft. You have to be that way in this business.
Nelly Furtado