Reagan believed the power of truth restated the world and re framed the world. I am a Reaganite. I'm proud to be a Reaganite. I will tell the truth, even if it's at the risk of causing some confusion sometimes with the timid.
Newt GingrichThe ACLU is an organization with a long and distinguished history of fighting to protect freedom of speech. On the other hand, in recent years, it has carried its mandate to ever more eccentric and often highly destructive lengths. While is may have been perfectly honorable for Dukakis to belong to the ACLU, it was equally legitimate for Bush to attack him for it. And with what enormous relish he did the job!
Newt GingrichThe time has come to tell the truth about the corruption of the government employee unions in this country.
Newt GingrichIf you have depression, you are dramatically more likely to be sick. Now to say you don't need to treat depression because it's not a medical reality - when in fact it clearly affects your interaction with the entire world around you - is just frankly reactionary.
Newt GingrichThe fact is that a liberal Democrat doesn't want to talk about ideology because they don't want to explain publicly what they're really doing.
Newt GingrichNow you have to ask a question - is that really, is capitalism really about the ability of a handful of rich people to manipulate the lives of thousands of other people and walk off with the money? Or is that in fact somehow a little bit of a flawed system? And so I do draw distinction between looting a company, leaving behind broken families and broken neighborhoods and then leaving a factory that should be there.
Newt Gingrich