Defeating Barack Obama becomes, in fact, a duty of national security. Because the fact is, he is incapable of defending the United States.
Newt GingrichI don't see how the party that says it's the party of the family is going to adopt an immigration policy which destroys families that have been here a quarter century.
Newt GingrichChange is healthy and useful. It has to be fought for most of the time. It's not inevitable. It takes real leadership and real effort. But I think it's really important not to take yourself too seriously. Dwight Eisenhower used to have a rule that you should always take your job seriously but not yourself.
Newt GingrichWe used to be a serious country. When we got attacked at Pearl Harbor, we took on Imperial Japan, Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. We beat all three in less than four years. We're about to enter the seventh year of this phony war against ... [terrorist groups], and we're losing.
Newt GingrichYou know, presidents have to be disciplined, and in that sense Hillary Clinton is probably better trained to be president, just because she's the most corrupt person to ever get the nomination of a major party.
Newt GingrichIf we really care about safety we would close down WikiLeaks. We would treat the people at WikiLeaks as enemy combatants. We would declare that the kind of thing this private did is treason. WikiLeaks is not a fun and games event. WikiLeaks undermines profoundly the ability of the United States to work around the world. Why would you, if you were a foreigner thinking about helping the United States, why would you confide anything to an American when you know that it could end up in The New York Times based on some leak?
Newt Gingrich