I think, that after the arrival of the mechanical clock we see an explosion in scientific thinking and scientific discovery.
Nicholas G. CarrThe Internet, like all intellectual technologies has a trade off. As we train our brains to use it, as we adapt to the environment of the internet, which is an environment of kind of constant immersion and information and constant distractions, interruptions, juggling lots of messages, lots of bits of information.
Nicholas G. CarrA wise and clear-eyed book, Future Hype challenges the conventional wisdom about technological change and provides a fresh perspective on our so-called computer age.
Nicholas G. CarrI think what the book did in addition to its practical uses, is it gave us a more attentive way of thinking.
Nicholas G. CarrIn the long run, though, the greatest IT risk facing most companies is more prosaic than a catastrophe. It is, simply, overspending. IT may be a commodity, and its costs may fall rapidly enough to ensure that any new capabilities are quickly shared, but the very fact that it is entwined with so many business functions means that it will continue to consume a large portion of corporate spending.
Nicholas G. Carr