You can take a book to the beach without worrying about sand getting in its works. You can take it to bed without being nervous about it falling to the floor should you nod off. You can spill coffee on it. You can sit on it. You can put it down on a table, open to the page you're reading, and when you pick it up a few days later it will still be exactly as you left it. You never have to be concerned about plugging a book into an outlet or having its battery die.
Nicholas G. CarrOne of the fascinating things about early writing on slates, on papyrus, even on early handwritten books, is for instance, there were no space between the words. People just wrote in continuous script.
Nicholas G. CarrWe become, after the arrival of the printing press in general, more attentive more attuned to contemplative ways of thinking.
Nicholas G. CarrI think that the book in some ways is the most interesting from our own present standpoint, particularly when we want to think about the way the internet is changing us.
Nicholas G. CarrA lot of your mental energy goes to figuring out where does one word end and the next begin.
Nicholas G. CarrBy putting the means of production into the hands of the masses but withholding from those same masses any ownership over the product of their work, Web 2.0 provides an incredibly efficient mechanism to harvest the economic value of the free labor provided by the very, very many and concentrate it into the hands of the very, very few.
Nicholas G. Carr