You can take a book to the beach without worrying about sand getting in its works. You can take it to bed without being nervous about it falling to the floor should you nod off. You can spill coffee on it. You can sit on it. You can put it down on a table, open to the page you're reading, and when you pick it up a few days later it will still be exactly as you left it. You never have to be concerned about plugging a book into an outlet or having its battery die.
Nicholas G. CarrThe practicality of technology may distinguish it from art, but both spring from a similar, distinctly human yearning.
Nicholas G. CarrA lot of your mental energy goes to figuring out where does one word end and the next begin.
Nicholas G. CarrI think if you look back through the intellectual history of human beings you can trace the way that intellectual technologies influence the way we think.
Nicholas G. CarrOnce upon a time there was an island named Blogosphere, and at the very center of that island stood a great castle built of stone, and spreading out from that castle for miles in every direction was a vast settlement of peasants who lived in shacks fashioned of tin and cardboard and straw.
Nicholas G. CarrThe Internet, like all intellectual technologies has a trade off. As we train our brains to use it, as we adapt to the environment of the internet, which is an environment of kind of constant immersion and information and constant distractions, interruptions, juggling lots of messages, lots of bits of information.
Nicholas G. Carr