The analytical geometry of Descartes and the calculus of Newton and Leibniz have expanded into the marvelous mathematical method-more daring than anything that the history of philosophy records-of Lobachevsky and Riemann, Gauss and Sylvester. Indeed, mathematics, the indispensable tool of the sciences, defying the senses to follow its splendid flights, is demonstrating today, as it never has been demonstrated before, the supremacy of the pure reason.
Nicholas Murray ButlerTo exclude religious teaching altogether from education... is a very dangerous and curious tendency. The result is to give paganism a new importance and influence.
Nicholas Murray ButlerThis desire of knowledge and the wonder which it hopes to satisfy are the driving power behind all the changes that we, with careless, question-begging inference, call progress.
Nicholas Murray ButlerBusinesses planned for service are apt to succeed businesses planned for profit are apt to fail.
Nicholas Murray ButlerFundamentally, the force that rules the world is conduct, whether it be moral or immoral. If it is moral, at least there may be hope for the world. If immoral, there is not only no hope, but no prospect of anything but destruction of all that has been accomplished during the last 5,000 years.
Nicholas Murray Butler