All the exciting contests and travel and sponsorships are cool, but I like to be able to have influence on people and on youngsters.
Nick GoepperOne of the great things about the X Games and the Olympics is being on the international stage. It gives you a cool opportunity to express, not only your personal style, but also your faith and what you believe in and your values.
Nick GoepperGod helps me for sure every day and at every contest. I broke my hand and had to get surgery on it. The recovery was really frustrating because I had to skip three weeks at the beginning of the season. But I flipped it around and took it as a blessing. I said a lot of prayers and just asked God to do His thing. I did other things to compliment the recovery like getting the right sleep and taking care of my body. But I went back to the doctor after four weeks and he was ecstatic about the recovery of my hand. I take that as a tribute to my faith and my belief in doing the right things.
Nick GoepperEven when there's pressure and distractions and expectations from others or myself, it's a good thing. It just makes me a better person. It makes me stronger.
Nick GoepperMy family has always gone to church. I like to think that faith has been a part of my life since I was a lot younger. It's definitely a part of my athletic career. I always wear a cross on my goggles during contests when I'm doing something gnarly. It's a reminder that I've got someone else helping me out.
Nick Goepper