Church is not an organization you join; it is a family where you belong, a home where you are loved and a hospital where you find healing.
Nicky GumbelDon't be afraid of pressure. Pressure is what transforms a lump of coal into a diamond.
Nicky GumbelThere is a story behind every person, a reason why they are the way they are. Don't be quick to judge. Be kind and assume the best.
Nicky GumbelAppreciate those who love you. Serve those who need you. Forgive those who hurt you. Thank those who help you.
Nicky GumbelStop looking for the perfect church. It does not exist. Even if it did exist, the moment we joined it, it would no longer be perfect!
Nicky GumbelPhysical heat sometimes accompanies the filling of the Spirit and people experience it in their hands or some other part of their bodies. One person described a feeling of 'glowing all over'. Another said she experienced 'liquid heat'. Still another described 'burning in my arms when I was not hot'.
Nicky Gumbel