Sometimes you can play against type, or you can just repeat what they've already done. It can be an obstacle; it's a very fine line.
Nicolas Winding RefnFinancially, it was very successful. Which is the most important thing. That is the only way you get to make another movie. It's very simple. The market will value you.
Nicolas Winding Refn[Reanu Reeves] is a very imaginative actor. He can have this wonderful balance of humor and fear. He's got these skills to be entertaining but also quite terrifying.
Nicolas Winding RefnI don't have to go very far to see the power of beauty. Being desired, feeling desired is a very seductive aspect of our being.
Nicolas Winding RefnFilmmaking is like any kind of art form. You have to try to figure it out, and you're going to do that by trying. It's like teaching a child to walk. It may start by walking, but eventually it will fall. And I have kids, but I know that that will enable them to stand up again and understand why they fell, and how they can avoid that. They will walk better and faster, and stronger. Filmmaking is the same.
Nicolas Winding Refn