Should we continue to run our economic affairs or be managed by people in Brussels?
If an idea is indeed sensible, it will eventually become just part of the accepted wisdom.
If there's labour shortages, we issue work permits. It's as simple as that.
In Britain, what we've done is say to 485 million people, 'You can all come, every one of you. You're unemployed? You've got a criminal record? Please come. You've got 19 children? Please come.' We've lost any sense of perspective on this.
[European Union] a giant cartel that suits big multinationals.
The UKIP voter is 60 percent male, 40 percent female. Is 65 percent older than 55 and 35 percent younger than 55. It's not hard to work out. Some have been Labor. Some have been Tories. The most difficult thing is previous voting intention, because they're coming from across the board.