Utopias now appear much more realizable than one used to think. We are now faced with a different new worry: How to prevent their realization.
Nikolai BerdyaevThe World is not an idea as asserted by philosophers who have dedicated their entire lives to the exploration of ideas. First and foremost the world is passion. But passion is associated with sadness. Sadness does not only arise from death which makes us face the Eternity, but also from life which causes us to confront the Time.
Nikolai BerdyaevIt is imperative to bear in mind that human creativity is not a claim or a right on the part of man, but God's claim on and call to man. God awaits man's creative act, which is the response to the creative act of God.
Nikolai BerdyaevFreedom is the power to create out of nothing, the power of the spirit to create out of itself.
Nikolai Berdyaev