When shall I at last retire into solitude alone, without companions, without joy and without sorrow, with only the sacred certainty that all is a dream? When, in my ragsโwithout desiresโshall I retire contented into the mountains? When, seeing that my body is merely sickness and crime, age and death, shall Iโfree, fearless, and blissfulโretire to the forest? When? When, oh when?
Nikos KazantzakisGod changes appearances every second. Blessed is the man who can recognize him in all his disguises. One moment he is a glass of fresh water, the next, your son bouncing on your knees or an enchanting woman, or perhaps merely a morning walk.
Nikos KazantzakisMy principle anguish and the source of all my joys and sorrows from my youth onward has been the incessant, merciless battle between the spirit and the flesh.
Nikos Kazantzakis