To think things out properly and fairly, a fellow's got to be calm and old and toothless: When you're an old gaffer with no teeth, it's easy to say: 'Damn it, boys, you mustn't bite!' But, when you've got all thirty-two teeth.
Nikos KazantzakisFreedom was my first great desire. The second, which remains hidden within me to this day, tormenting me, was the desire for sanctity. Hero together with saint: such is mankind's supreme model.
Nikos KazantzakisYes, there is weeping, even in heaven, but it is for those who are still crawling on the earth.
Nikos KazantzakisThere is only one sin god will not forgive Boss, and that is to deny a woman who is in wanting ~ Zorba
Nikos KazantzakisYou will, Judas, my brother. God will give you the strength, as much as you lack, because it is necessaryโit is necessary for me to be killed and for you to betray me. We two must save the world. Help me." Judas bowed his head. After a moment he asked, "If you had to betray your master, would you do it?" Jesus reflected for a long time. Finally he said, "No, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to. That is why God pitied me and gave me the easier task: to be crucified.
Nikos Kazantzakis