When shall I at last retire into solitude alone, without companions, without joy and without sorrow, with only the sacred certainty that all is a dream? When, in my ragsโwithout desiresโshall I retire contented into the mountains? When, seeing that my body is merely sickness and crime, age and death, shall Iโfree, fearless, and blissfulโretire to the forest? When? When, oh when?
Nikos KazantzakisTruly, everything in this world depended on time. Time ripened all. If you had time, you succeeded in working the human mud internally and turning it into spirit. Then you did not fear death. If you did not have time, you perished.
Nikos KazantzakisLook, one day I had gone to a little village. An old grandfather of ninety was busy planting an almond tree. โWhat, grandfather!โ I exclaimed. โPlanting an almond tree?โ And he, bent as he was, turned around and said: โMy son, I carry on as if I should never die.โ I replied: โAnd I carry on as if I was going to die any minute.โ Which of us was right, boss?
Nikos KazantzakisLife is trouble. Only death is not. To be alive is to undo your belt and *look* for trouble.
Nikos KazantzakisEvery obstacle in his journey became a milestone, an occasion for further triumph. We have a model in front of us now, a model who blazes our trail and gives us strength.
Nikos Kazantzakis