I am very filmmaker oriented, as a producer. I think the most important thing is that you have to really choose the players carefully.
Nina JacobsonIt was very important to me to choose a director like Gary [Ross], whose instincts come from character, who's a storyteller, and who puts characters first.
Nina JacobsonDeb Zane, our casting director on the Hunger Games was very sanguine, from the beginning, about just blocking out what everybody else says that they want.
Nina JacobsonIn the evolution of the [The Hunger Games] movie, Gary [Ross] and I talked a lot about tonal bandwidth and making sure that the look and feel and style and choices of the movie stayed within a certain consistent bandwidth.
Nina JacobsonI'm very superstitious. I come from a family that's big on not painting the nursery until the baby is home.
Nina JacobsonThere is a young fella who works for me, named Brian Unkeless, who's very smart. We're a very small company that has been Brian and me and two assistants, although we're growing a little bit now. He read the [The Hunger Games] book and loved it, and told me I should read it. He had been a fan of the Gregor books. So, I read it and couldn't put it down and couldn't stop thinking about it. I really became obsessed with the thought of producing it, and was completely bothered by the idea that anybody but me could produce it.
Nina Jacobson