What you have to do as soon as you know about somebody, then you have to think what goodness he has got, how can I imbibe that goodness within myself?
Nirmala SrivastavaNow you must practice to see something without allowing any thought to rise. Then you start sucking through your Spirit the beauty, the glory, the fragrance of a flower.
Nirmala SrivastavaInnately within us, resides the Spirit which wants to enlighten you, to give the peace, the bliss and the joy of our being.
Nirmala SrivastavaYou should be a pleasing personality. Instead of thinking about how you should be pleased, I don't like this, I don't do like that, instead of, what have I done to please others?
Nirmala SrivastavaNow you are changed people. Your personality is different. It's shining through your spirit. In that spirit, you have to see everything. All your conditionings will drop out as soon as you start identifying your Self fully, fully with the spirit. Fully - again I say because we do not. We are still Christians. We are still Hindus. We are still Muslims. We are still Indians, English, this, that. We are still narrow-minded, small, little puddles. We have to be the ocean. Once you are identified with the ocean, you have to throw away everything and become absolutely clean and detached.
Nirmala Srivastava