As in any machine, all the wires must be connected to the mains through one main wire. In the same way, you all must be connected to God individually so that you all are connected among yourselves. I have been saying this again and again and again because at the Sahasrara you are being blessed with this collective spirit.
Nirmala SrivastavaYou should be able to use your intellect and not to be dominated by your intellect.
Nirmala SrivastavaThe truth which can be actualized after Self Realization is that you are not this body, this mind, this conditioning from the past, this ego, these emotions, but that you are the pure spirit.
Nirmala SrivastavaDivinity is not a fashion. It is the way of life. It is the need of your being. You have to become that.
Nirmala SrivastavaYou are transmitters. Everywhere you are sitting in meditation you are transmitting vibrations, do you know that ? At that time if you are thinking say of your jobs and your other things which you have been thinking before, the transmission is poorer. Think of love. Think of the whole country, think of the whole world at that time. You are transmitters of these waves of love, and love will flow from you.
Nirmala Srivastava