I'm damned if I'm going to be eaten by a bear when I'm naked." "I'm sure it's a more pleasant experience dressed.
Nora RobertsWhy is it you think you'll live forever and why do you want to, I'd like to know, when you deny yourselves so many of the basic pleasures in life?
Nora RobertsI don't think you tell someone you love them because you expect something. I think you tell them because you have something to give.
Nora RobertsNot enough." Margo rose and tucked the towel in place. " Come on, let's go stuff her in a locker. For old time's sake.
Nora RobertsBecause you’re the one. Because I’ve never felt for anyone what I feel for you. I want a lifetime with you, Abigail. I want a home with you, family with you. I want to make children with you, raise them with you. If you truly don’t want any of that with me, I’ll give you the best I’ve got, and hope you change your mind. I just need you to tell me you don’t want it.
Nora Roberts