Men and women, boys and girls, are still bowing to the image of peer pressure out on their own Plain of Dura every week in every city of America.
O. S. HawkinsWe all have a private world in which we live; that's the place where nobody comes; alone with our secret thoughts. Our own spouses oftentimes don't know what we're thinking. In our private worlds, it's only you and the Lord, who searches our hearts and knows our anxious thoughts.
O. S. HawkinsThe motivating factor behind God's redemptive plan for every man and woman is His love for us. He not only loves us, He so loves us!
O. S. HawkinsDivine opportunities are all around you every day. Make a conscious effort today to show kindness to someone.
O. S. HawkinsReal Christianity is lovely. There is a quality about a Spirit-filled, radiant Christian that draws and attracts others and causes them to enjoy favor with all the people. The truth is that the gospel is not nearly as offensive as some of its proponents!
O. S. HawkinsIn many ways we've become the Babylon of the modern era. We learned our lessons at the feet of Nebuchadnezzar himself. It's little wonder that we've lived to see Bible reading and the display of the Ten Commandments removed from public view and creation science excluded from classroom instruction. None of this is new. It has its roots in Babylon, and thus reveals that the book of Daniel is one of the most relevant books of the Bible in our world today.
O. S. Hawkins