Now we have no God. We have had two: the old God that our fathers handed down to us, that we hated, and never liked; the new one that we made for ourselves, that we loved; but now he has flitted away from us, and we see what he was made of - the shadow of our highest ideal, crowned and throned. Now we have no God.
Olive SchreinerIt is finer to bring one noble human being into the world and rear it well... than to kill ten thousand.
Olive SchreinerThe secret of success is concentration ... Taste everything a little, look at everything a little; but live for one thing.
Olive SchreinerA word may become so defiled by bad use that it will take a century before it can be purifed, and brought into use again.
Olive SchreinerTo us, from the beginning, Nature has been but a poor plastic thing, to be toyed with this way or that, as man happens to please his deity or not; to go to church or not; to say his prayers right or not; to travel on a Sunday or not.Was it possible for us in an instant to see Nature as she is-the flowing vestment of an unchanging reality?
Olive Schreiner