I'd like to refocus everyone's attention away from the Kardashians and onto Doctors Without Borders or aid workers. Let's redefine scandal. Scandal is not who so-and-so is dating; scandal is the fact that 1.2 million people are still living in tents in Haiti, and cholera is rampant because Nepalese U.N. soldiers dumped s- from their Porta-Potties into the river. That's a f-ing scandal. If the average 15-year-old was hearing about that instead of so-and-so's plastic surgery or cheating in Hollywood, I'd feel better about our future.
Olivia WildeI have very high standards for every part of life - my work, my relationships, food, love. I can't just pretend.
Olivia WildeIn fact, I'm softer than I've ever been, including that unfortunate semester in high school when I simultaneously discovered Krispy Kreme and pot.
Olivia WildeI've learned that it's important to spend some time in a relationship with yourself and not being defined by your partner.
Olivia WildePeople assume actresses are afraid to get older; the truth is the roles get a whole lot more compelling once you're too old to play dumb.
Olivia Wilde