When I was young, watching historical movies made me feel absolutely sublime. But the first few times I visited costume museums, I was really disappointed because it was not at the level I saw in movies. It was not the level of the image I'd imagined.
Olivier TheyskensWhat is funny is when you do a futuristic movie, you immediately get to be fashionable because you're creating something that doesn't exist.
Olivier TheyskensThe only shoes that look futuristic are Crocs, but they would be terrible to use in a futuristic movie.
Olivier TheyskensI would love, just once, to do costumes for a movie. I almost did some theater, but it is very different from what I am used to doing as a fashion designer.
Olivier TheyskensMaking clothes that everybody can wear is also something that stimulates me a lot, because I have this edgy, fashion-y part, but I am also totally involved with a brand that is about how people dress, and what they want. And it's a whole other look you can have on the street. It's exciting because it speaks to the other part of my job and what my passion is. A designer wants to make something useful for as many people as possible.
Olivier Theyskens