Sooner or later a democracy which is to survive has to be able to rely upon that enlargement of vision and purpose of those individuals who compose it, which means that their craving for devotion and self-sacrifice is satisfied in a democratic society on a nobler level, and with a finer recognition of the value of individual personality than is true of a national purpose of a totalitarian state under a dictator.
Ordway TeadConversation is the fine art of mutual consideration and communication about matters of common interest that basically have some human importance.
Ordway TeadLeadership is the activity of influencing people to cooperate towards some goal which they come to find desirable and which motivates them over the long haul.
Ordway TeadMore and more clearly every day, out of biology, anthropology, sociology, history, economic analysis, psychological insight, plain human decency and common sense, the necessary mandate of survival that we shall love all our neighbors as we do ourselves, is being confirmed and reaffirmed.
Ordway Tead