No matter what system you live under, there is no escaping the law that it's always the strongest, the cruellest, the least generous who win.
Oriana FallaciThe Muslims refuse our culture and try to impose their culture on us. I reject them, and this is not only my duty toward my culture-it is toward my values, my principles, my civilization.
Oriana FallaciA lot of women ask themselves why they should bring a child into the world? So that it will be hungry, so that it will be cold, so that it will be betrayed and humiliated, so that it will be slaughtered by war or disease? They reject the hope that its hunger will be satisfied, its cold warmed, that loyalty and respect will accompany it through life, that it will be a devote a life to the effort to eliminate war and disease.
Oriana FallaciYou belong neither to God nor the state nor me. You belong to yourself and no one else.
Oriana Fallaci