Peace. That's what salaam means. Peace unto you." The words brought forth an echo from Ender's memory. His mother's voice reading to him softly, when he was very young. ... The kiss, the word, the peace were with him still. I am only what I remember, and Alai is my friend in a memory so intense that they can't tear him out. Like Valentine, the strongest memory of all.
Orson Scott CardThere's a sort of rage a man feels when he's been deceived where he most trusted. It compares to no other anger.
Orson Scott CardAny decent person who knows what warfare is can never go into battle with a whole heart.
Orson Scott CardHe could see Bonzo's anger growing hot. Hot anger was bad. Ender's anger was cold, and he could use it. Bonzo's was hot, and so it used him.
Orson Scott Card